Winter Solstice Workshop

winter solstice workshop / weds 20th Dec 2023, 7:30- 9pm/ coombes community centre

Winter Solstice workshop: Honouring the Light

Get ready for the longest night of the year and reconnect with yourself!

Take some time to pause, reflect and celebrate this year’s winter solstice in a community of like minded people.

Join me for an evening of connection and turning inwards, which will include:

-mindful movement and breathing exercises, leading to holding more quiet, yin poses
– meditation
– sacred cacao drinking (optional and at extra cost)
-sound (drumming, chanting)

…and more!

This practice is the perfect opportunity to slow down, reconnect with yourself & attune to the winter season & the coming new year.

You’ll leave feeling more balanced and peaceful.

~ Everyone welcome ~

Here are the details again:

Winter Solstice Workshop

Weds 17th December
7:30 – 9pm
Coombes Community Centre, Royston SG8 5PT

£15 current student
£20 standard

I look forward to sharing the space with you during this potent time for inner transformation and to come home to our inner most selves.

Om shanti