Sunday Stillness – Aligning to Autumn

sunday stillness - aligning to autumn with yin yoga and yoga nidra - sunday 29th Oct- coombes community centre


Sun 29th Oct / 6- 8pm

Coombes Community Centre, Royston

With the arrival of Autumn and the shorter days, there is a natural tendency to reflect upon what part of our own lives might be out of balance and how we can cultivate more balance mentally, emotionally and physically.

A Yin Yoga practice is a wonderful way to regain some centring and embrace the changing seasons.

Autumn is considered a time for letting go. To surrender. To release. To exhale.

Join me to explore postures to stimulate the lung and large intestine Meridian (related to the Metal element) which connects us to Autumn. Honouring transitions helps bring us into alignment with nature. It assists in letting go of habitual negative thought patterns and opens us to new potential.

The practise will end with a wonderful healing Yoga Nidra.

Yoga nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. Practised in savasana (corpse pose), this systematic meditation takes you through the Pancha Maya kosha (five layers of self), leaving you with a sense of wholeness.

You’ll leave feeling rejuvenated, more relaxed, clearer and ready for the week ahead!

Here are the details:

Sun 29th Oct, 6- 8pm

Coombes Community Centre, Royston

£20 current student / £25 new student

£ 15 Concession  (option available for OAP, students, jobseekers, NHS staff, teachers or anyone experiencing financial hardship)

Suitable for all

* Arrival: 5- 10 mins for a cuppa

I look forward to sharing the space with you .