Sunday stillness- relax and renew workshop

Sunday Stillness - Relax and Renew workshop Sunday 20th November 2022/ 7:30 - 9pm / online

Sunday Stillness

Relax and Renew online workshop, with yoga nidra

Take time out of your usual routine to pause, and feel the effects of this soothing, effective (and so easy!) practice.

This workshop will consist of long held yin and restorative poses, carefully sequenced to help induce the body and its systems to a state of deep relaxation, promoting inner peace and calm.

This will be followed by a yoga nidra practice. 

New to yoga nidra? 

Yoga Nidra relaxes the mind at the same time as relaxing the body and helps us to clear out the nerve pathways to the brain. Through regular practice of Yoga Nidra we can counteract the effect of stress and hyperactivity in the frontal cortex by accessing different parts of the brain that can help us regulate interoceptive awareness, supporting a harmonious, restorative state and a greater balance between the different layers of body and mind (referred to as the Koshas in Yoga Philosophy).


Sunday November 20th 

7:30- 9:00pm

£25 (early bird until Nov 5th, £35 thereafter) 

Concession available for OAP, students and jobseekers .